BIS Online WHS Training


Baptist Insurance Services is pleased to advise that our online Work Health and Safety Training system has been completely revised and updated to reflect current regulations. It remains freely available for all BIS Constituents to use in both their Staff and Volunteer training programs. It is, however, based on a whole new training platform, so previous login details will no longer be active.

Please access the Member Portal on the BIS website using the generic login details previously provided:
Username: dmfmember
Password: dmf#members1193

Once in the portal select the Work Health & Safety Training tab

There is a video on the page that will guide you through the process of creating a new login to the training system and start a course.

This service is provided by BIS without additional cost to our constituent to assist in maintaining a safe working environment for all our constituent staff and volunteers, and also to assist our constituents to be compliant with relevant regulations. Please consider using this service as a part of your onboarding and regular training programs.

Contact Glen Thornley for further information →

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