Child Protection Training
We offer Accredited Child Protection Training throughout the year. Keep up-to-date and find a seminar near you!
BCSANT is committed to the safety and well-being of all people in our churches, particularly children and other vulnerable persons.
Through Child Protection Solutions (CPS) we are able to offer regular accredited Child Protection Training, both for new volunteers/workers and ongoing updates for everyone.
Upcoming Seminars
Upcoming Seminars
4-hour Intensive Trainings
An in-person session for those who do not have a current Child Protection Training Certificate.
Upcoming Seminars
2.5-hour Refresher Courses
Offered both in person and via Zoom, this Refresher Course is for those who have already completed the 4-hour Intensive Training Course. The Refresher Course is to be completed every 3 years.
Online Modules
Bridging Course
Offered as an online unit, this module is for those who have a current DHS Through Their Eyes (TTE) or Responding to Risk of Harm, Abuse and Neglect (RRHAN) certificate.
The Bridging Course is an online module that can be accessed at any time.