Church Development
The BCSANT Office supports churches as they plant, grow, develop, and stay healthy. Discover how we can help your church below!

Church Consultancy & Support
The BCSANT Support Team is available to provide a wide range of consultancy services to the churches of our movement to support them to be healthy, growing, and fruitful. These services include:
- Church reviews
- Pastoral review resources and external facilitation as needed
- Governance support
- Training and equipping for leaders
- Informal support for pastors
- Coaching
- Conflict resolution
- Supporting churches who want to join our Baptist movement
Church Planting & Revitalisation
In addition to supporting existing churches, a key priority for Baptist Churches SA & NT is to support the planting of new churches and missional initiatives, and the revitalisation of existing churches who recognise the need to make courageous decisions that lead to a new season of ministry and mission.
We believe God is calling us to be a movement of Churches with a pioneering culture, with creative innovation, courageous faith, and a desire to invest in new initiatives. Church planting takes many forms and diverse approaches are needed to reach people in diverse contexts. Church planting can be carried out be a single pioneering planter, an existing Church, two or more Churches in partnership, or a team sent from various Churches. BCSANT’s role is keen to support, encourage, and resource those interested and engaged in planting and revitalisation.
BCSANT Moderating Service
The BCSANT Support Team assists churches in calling and appointing a new pastoral leader through the process of Moderation. Finding a right fit for a church seeking a new pastor has an enormous impact on the future health, growth, and fruitfulness of a church.
A Moderator’s role is to give experienced and independent guidance to a Church Leadership and Pastoral Support Team in this discernment process. The Moderator does not select or appoint a new pastor – that role belongs to the local church. The Moderator’s role is to assist with best practice, to provide advice and resources, and to bring practical experience to the process.
The BCSANT Office can provide consultancy, resources, and support to ensure Church Leadership Teams, Pastoral Search Teams, and Moderators are well equipped for this important process of discernment. Moderators are also available to guide and support pastors in our movement who may be experiencing a sense of call into a new ministry setting.
We strongly recommend churches contact the BCSANT Office and engage a Moderator at the very beginning of the process, prior to the appointment of a Pastoral Search Team by the church leadership.

Want to know more?
Get in touch with Mark Sanders, our Church Development Facilitator.