
Baptist Churches SA & NT is comprised of around 90 faith communities in full membership or affiliate membership. Here’s what that means.

Baptist Churches SA & NT is a movement of about 90 local churches across South Australia and the Northern Territory. It has strong links to the Australian and global Baptist movement as well as the wider Christian Church. We do not see ourselves as a denomination. Instead, we are a movement of local churches gathered together as followers of Jesus. In each one of our contexts, we seek to follow Jesus, love people, and serve God’s mission in the world. By joining together in a voluntary association, we are able to resource one another in a way that individual local churches could not do on their own. 

Joining BCSANT is not simply a matter of joining an organisation or working through an administrative process. It is about entering into a partnership with other Baptist Churches across South Australia and the Northern Territory for mutual support and encouragement as we join together in God’s mission. It is connecting with the wider Baptist movement nationally and globally. 

Becoming a full member

Baptist Churches SA & NT have welcomed numbers of faith communities who have joined our movement over the past decade including many churches from ethnically diverse backgrounds. Churches interested in becoming a member church should contact the BCSANT Office to begin exploring membership.

Becoming an Affiliate Member 

Affiliate Membership is a form of membership with Baptist Churches SA & NT that enables us to partner with new church plants, established churches on the journey toward full membership and ministries that sit outside, or on the fringes of, our framework as a movement of local Baptist churches, but are nonetheless recognised as a valuable expression of worship, community and mission.

Stream A: Church plants yet to reach sufficient capacity to be a Member Church; missional initiatives that intend to become church plants; or existing churches for a period of not less than six months and not more than two years as they work with the BCSANT Support Team to move towards Membership. 

Stream B: Ministries that are not and have no intention of becoming churches.