4D Leadership Conference is our annual gathering where everyone from across our movement is invited.

We have keynote sessions, GodX talks and electives from practitioners and thought leaders. This year we will hear from Ed Vaughan, a Leadership Consultant with 35 years of ministry experience in Sydney and Dublin. We also have Melinda Cousins sharing with us.

We hope you can be inspired, encouraged and challenged as you disciple others in your local context.

If you have missed the cut-off and would like to attend, please contact the office on 8357 1755 to organise.

(Note: you’ll need to bring your own lunch as catering has now been finalised.)

Keynote Speakers

Ed Vaughan

Ed has worked in ministry for over 35 years, in a variety of ministry contexts, but with a consistent passion for raising up the next generation of leaders for the Australian church and engaging in new and pioneering forms of ministry.

He is involved in coaching and pastoral supervision of church planters and emerging leaders. He has previously been an Anglican minister in Sydney and in Dublin in the Republic of Ireland. Ed has also been involved with the Arrow Leadership Programme and was on staff with City to City Australia.

Ed is married to Jane and lives in the inner south-west of Sydney.

Melinda Cousins

Melinda is a pastor and teacher who currently serves as our Director of Ministries. She has been an ordained Baptist minister since 2002, serving as a local church pastor and in wider ministry contexts

As a biblical scholar, Melinda has taught the Bible at several theological colleges in Adelaide, as well as in the majority world. She did her PhD on the the Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134), and considered ideas of performance, imagination, emotion, and embodiment.

Melinda’s two great passions are God’s Word and God’s world. She loves exploring how the biblical narrative shapes our imagination for life and community and how people worship and follow Jesus within their own cultural contexts.

Morning tea and lunch included. Full cost (after 17/04): $70. Group discount available for groups of 5+.

Please contact the events team if you would like us to invoice your church for attendees registration.


Through A Glass Darkly: The Leadership we need for 21st Century

Ed Vaughan


What will the Australian church look like in 2050? What do we need to be doing now to anticipate that future and lead into it?

This elective will explore the changes and challenges that will continue to confront us and sketch out the leadership style and posture that we need to have as we step into that future.

Led in Your Vocation

Joshua Bogle & Arthur Davis (Engage Work Faith)


At the end of the day, the vocation for every son of Adam and daughter of Eve is always the same, that of deepening the coherence between who God is and who we are, between what God’s world means and what our lives mean. (Steven Garber)

Most churchgoers spend their week doing work in its many forms, using their gifts to participate in God’s world. This is not arbitrary, but an opportunity for the Church to become the Body of Christ in action.

Join Josh and Arthur for a practical look at connecting theology with your week, undermining the sacred-secular divide, and re-sacralising the everyday.

Led in Your Community

Rachael Foster


What does it look like to know and love our communities well? This elective will explore ways to authentically connect with our local neighbourhoods, discover the uniqueness of our communities, as well as giving opportunity to connect with others and share ideas, and hear some encouraging stories of community engagement from churches within our movement.

Led by the Spirit

Self-led prayer experience arranged by Mel Walladge and the Clovercrest Prayer Team


Mike Stevens


We are living in disorienting times where it’s increasingly difficult to know how to live out our faith in our culture. This elective will explore how to live renewed and redeemed everyday lives as we partner with God in his mission of bringing people to himself.

The content is based on Mike’s doctoral thesis work on missional renewal in the western context, seeking to mobilise everyday followers of Jesus in simple, memorable and reproducible missional practices that lay a foundation for participation in God’s redemptive purposes.

Baptist Values

Melinda Cousins


Rev Dr Melinda Cousins is our Director of Ministries. Speaking from her passion for the stories and mission of our Baptist movement, Melinda will share about the values that inform who we are. Join her to understand more about what makes us who we are and why we do some of things we do.

Leading Self: Leading at a Sustainable & Sacred Pace 

Dan Beasy


Much of life and leadership is lived at a frenetic and unsustainable pace with many leaders finding themselves overworked, overwhelmed and overcommitted. Yet, many of us want to continue in ministry for the long haul and be part of making a real difference. This elective will explore what it can look like to run at sustainable & sacred pace for the flourishing of self, family, church, and the God’s Kingdom.

Easy to Lead • Being an Awesome Team Member

Scott Berry


“Don’t you love it when a plan comes together” is the classic line from the TV show The A-team. One of the many wonderful aspects of being drafted onto Jesus’ team is that he calls us to do it with others. The vast majority of places to serve as part of the body of Christ is team ministry. Don’t you think both the outcomes and the journey of ministry would improve if we spent some time wrestling with what it takes to be an awesome team member?