Women in Ministry
For many years as a movement we have championed the contribution of women, we have accredited and ordained men and women, and we have affirmed the place of women in leadership.
Yet we recognise there is more to be done. We have not always articulated the biblical and theological foundations for what we do clearly. There are also some particular practical challenges women in pastoral leadership face.
In 2017, in response to requests from across our churches, we held a Symposium called ‘No Barriers’, at which we sought to clearly articulate our biblical perspective and recommit ourselves to embracing the position of women in ministry and pastoral leadership and working together to address the unseen barriers women can face.
Since then, we have initiated a Women Preachers’ Network for mutual support and encouragement, and hold semi-regular events to bring women across our movement together. In 2023, we were pleased to join with our national movement in conducting a baseline survey on the experience of women across Baptist churches, and in the establishment of a national Women in Leadership taskforce.
Awareness of and addressing continued barriers to women’s full participation in all areas of the life of our movement remains a strategic priority of our Assembly Board.
For further information please contact Director of Ministries Melinda Cousins.
Read our statement on accreditation and ordination of women in ministry.
Join our Women Preachers’ Network.