Homecomings and visits

Rev Lisa Cornish, State Director SA/NT, Baptist Mission Australia


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Hutchinsons settling into life in Adelaide

In my last article I wrote that the Hutchinson family were preparing to finish up their time in Cambodia after six years of service. Luke, Rachel, and the children are now settling back into Adelaide life and are finalising their service by visiting and thanking churches and supporters who have faithfully partnered with them.

Please continue to pray for the family as they find their feet. They are busy settling into school, work, social activities, church, and life in general. Pray also for Rachel as she returns to Cambodia in September and again in November. During her visits Rachel will continue to oversee the Language of the Heart project, which she established in Siem Reap with Baptist Mission Australia.

On behalf of Baptist Mission Australia, I would also like to thank all those who prayerfully and financially supported the Hutchinson family. We know that we cannot do this work alone. It is only through the grace of God, and the partnering work of churches and folk in Australia, that we are able to support those who are led by God to serve in mission, and see the advancing of the gospel into new hearts.

Catch up with Cate and KimLean

I am also excited to let you know that Cate Rodgers and her husband, KimLean Leng, will be in Australia on Home Assignment from September to November in 2024. This is a wonderful opportunity to catch up with the couple and hear an update in person about their work in Cambodia. Cate and KimLean are keen to visit churches and mid-week fellowship groups while they are here. If you would like to make a time for them to visit, please get in touch with me ([email protected], 0421 074 920).

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