In August, Baptist Care SA staff members will visit 17 SA Baptist Churches to speak about our mission of journeying alongside people, especially those who are at risk or marginalised, to assist them reach their full potential.
Many people know Baptist Care SA from our work at the WestCare Centre. This work costs us $1M a year, most of which is not funded by Government. We also offer many other services to our community of people in need.
Delivering these services means our expenses always exceed our income. This means we rely on the faithful support of our generous donors, to whom we are very thankful.
During the church visits, our staff will speak about our ongoing partnership in mission with the SA Baptist Churches and offer our thanks for their generous giving of donations and goods in kind.
We look forward to seeing you at church, during Baptist Care SA Month.
If you would like to learn more about Baptist Care SA, and how you can support us, you can watch a video by clicking here.
Whether or not we meet you in person at one of these visits, we would love for you to continue to support the critical work of Baptist Care SA.