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Glen Osmond Baptist Church celebrates history alongside Bangladeshi church
Church Anniversaries have their place in the memory-bank of followers of Jesus. Last year I was invited to the…
A Winter Update from Baptist Mission Australia
Here’s an update on the latest news and events from Baptist Mission Australia. Elliot joins the team. Elliot…
Strategic Ambition to make people’s lives better
Baptist Care SA responds to disadvantage and suffering in our community on behalf of Baptist Churches of SA &…
All One in Christ at Katherine Christian Convention
For over 50 years, Katherine Christian Convention has provided the opportunity for Christians from all over the Northern Territory…
Saturday Mornings at Whitmore Square
An emerging community is forming in the heart of Whitmore Square, bringing hope and hot food to all who…
President’s Address: None so blind as those that cannot see
I know I should probably be talking about the things that are happening in our SA & NT churches.…
Dr Lowitja O’Donoghue AC CBE DSG
Please Note: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this article contains images and names of…
The Turning of the Tide
I blinked and had to look at the number a second time: 34%! Each year we gather the number…
2024 May Mission Month – Mending
May is coming up quickly and the May Mission Month theme this year is Mending! We live in a…

Together in mission magazine
Together in Mission is the quarterly online and print magazine published by the Baptist Churches of SA & NT.
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Tell us a bit about your story idea, along with your name and email address, and our Media & Communications Coordinator will be in touch soon! Read our 2024 Editorial Policy.