Despite a rainy morning, over 100 people from 35 churches met for our Annual Spring Assembly at Christies Beach Baptist Church. A long drive for some, but a morning full of enjoyment and encouragement for all.
On his last day as President, Rev Daniel Gardiner reflected on the history of Christies Beach Baptist and its growing presence in the local community. Acknowledging that each church is on a different journey, he encouraged us that it’s our interaction with one another that convinces the world that Jesus is the answer, our unity that invites others in, and our hospitality and welcome that makes an impact.
We headed into the business side of the gathering and enthusiastically welcomed Bethel Mission Church into full membership and Adelaide Mizo Christian Church and Stansbury Community Church into affiliate membership; we gave thanks to Neil Ryan and Lynette Aungiers for their faithful service over many years as they move into retirement and acknowledged Russ Bates for his 33 years of service at Semaphore Park Baptist; we celebrated with 3 newly accredited pastors – Ray Bell, James Foley and Nate Vawser; we heard the results of board elections and welcomed Liz Moncrieff-Philp as our new vice-president; and we recognised and thanked Julie Lawrie for over 5 years of service as Chair of the Baptist Care Board, and Gaynor Johnson for her years of service as Chair of the Accreditation and Ordination Committee.
Melinda updated those gathered on the potential amalgamation with the Northern Territory, and we were introduced to their twelve churches via a video. She also encouraged all churches to engage in the conversation around the Uluru Statement and the need to listen to and learn from our indigenous sisters and brothers as we participate in our nation’s referendum and model reconciled relationships as churches.
After a short morning tea break and the Baptist Care AGM, those gathered were heartened by stories from Christies Beach Baptist, encouraged by the feedback of some of our young Zo leaders who led on M&M camp and enlightened by hearing from Melissa Lipsett, CEO of Baptist World Aid. In our usual custom, delegates then gathered into small groups to pray and thank God for His never-ending goodness.
To finish off the morning, Daniel Gardiner was thanked for his time as President and we inducted and welcomed Rev Scott Cadman into the President role for the next 2 years.
The whole morning was an informative, encouraging and wonderful time of blessing and unity as we gathered and shared together. We hope you can join us next time, at our Spring Assembly in May 2023.