
Community Advertisements

Advert: Morialta Charitable Trust. Through an annual grants program, we support charitable organisations working to bring lasting change to young South Australians in need. Your donation will contribute to achieving our vision for communities where all young South Australians reach their full potential.

We are people who partner, who walk alongside, who share life with folk around the corner, around the nation and around the globe. We cannot help caring in time of grief, laughing in times of joy and showing up in times of need. 

Paul in his letter to the church in Philippi (1:3-6) says, “…I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…” Paul was aware that he was not alone in sharing the gospel. He knew that it was his partnership with folks with different skills, abilities and gifts, used by God, that allowed the formation, growth and fanning out of faith in Jesus in hearts and communities that did not know him. It was God who designed us to work in and amongst as community. It was Jesus who set the example and taught his disciples to care for the needs of those around them. It was Paul, Barnabas, the Disciples and other early followers of Jesus that took up that work at the birth of the church. It is us, today, continuing to imitate them in the work of walking alongside those in spaces we inhabit who are unaware of how much God loves them.

Baptist Mission Australia would love to encourage all followers of Christ to join with Christians through the centuries coming alongside people we walk with every day to show them Jesus. As we focus on the theme of being Alongsiders through the month of May and beyond explore how you can use the resources on our website ( for all your groups and gatherings. Jesus walked alongside people in their lives, caring for their needs, joining with them in their situations so we too walk alongside those around us as an example of Christ.  

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