Young Adults
Baptist Churches SA & NT seeks to gather young people from across our churches to inspire and challenge.
Young adults are in an ‘in between’ season that can sometimes feel overlooked by our wider church ministries. Yet it’s vital to be encouraging young people to deepen their faith and character throughout this time.
We seek to gather young people from across our Baptist movement a few times a year to be inspired by how the good news of Jesus speaks into the unique challenges and opportunities of this stage of life.
Get involved
Leadership Internship
Facilitated by BCSANT, Leadership Internship is a year-long formation and development pathway where emerging leaders of all ages can grow their discipleship, stretch their leadership, and live out an adventurous faith.
Camping Ministries
We are often looking for young adults to lead on our Next Generations camps, which currently consist of Easter Camp (March/April) and State Kids Camp (July).
Baptist Youth & Young Adults Pastors and Key Leaders Network (SA & NT)
A key way we support Young Adults pastors is through our SA & NT Baptist Youth & Young Adults – Pastors and Key Leaders Network.
This network is a community of Youth and Young Adult Ministry leaders across Baptist Churches SA & NT. We meet, connect, and share resources in order to support one another and to continually grow in the skills and practice of leading a group of young adults in your local church.
One excellent serving opportunity that a number of Baptist Churches in South Australia participate in is Green Team.
“Generations Ministry” can often refer to a church’s discipleship of young people as they develop in following Jesus and participating in His kingdom. Baptist Churches SA & NT’s next generations ministries covers people aged 0-25 among our movement.
As Team Leader, Scott cultivates strong relationships with leaders across this next generations field. Scott also has a special role with our young adults pastors and leaders, providing events and resources to build their capacity for effective ministry to the youth and young adults in their churches.
Scott Berry
Next Gen Team Leader