Young Adults: Can we skip to the good parts?

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A chance for young adults to come together for delicious eats and ask tough questions from the Bible.

War, slavery, violence, sex. The Bible says a lot of controversial stuff that doesn’t gel too well with our society today. So what do we do with the awkward parts of the Bible? The bits we’d like to skip over or erase? We know that the Bible is central to the Christian faith, but can we just pick and choose?

And how are we meant to grapple with this ancient foundation for life without being completely out of touch?

Dr Matt Gray will wrestle (figuratively!) with these questions and more at ‘Can we skip to the good parts?’ on Sept 15th from 5:30pm at Unley Park Baptist Church. Young adults are invited to share dinner, ask curly questions, catch up, and explore ideas. $12 for entry includes dinner and excellent company. 

Register now and we’ll see you there!

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September 15th, 2024 from  5:30 PM to  8:30 PM
Unley Park Baptist Church
1 Northgate St,
Unley Park, SA 5061
Phone: 8357 1755
Event Fee(s)
Dinner $ 12.00 (includes GST of $ 1.09)

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